My experience with building a Wix page has been difficult.
One particular being the pull-out quote Child Sex trafficking “ a polite term for being repeatedly raped” (I am Jane Doe).
This multi-modal project has been very interesting and eye-pleasing
My folio thinking experience has been quite a journey. My experience with building a Wix page has been difficult. I’ve used Wix before but never this detailed oriented. It took time and practice adjusting to the site but eventually, I mastered it. In this reflection, I will explain my reasoning for each choice I made starting with the home page. The template I originally chose was the Demi Watson template just because it was the one we originally used in class. However, I did edit multiple things and changed the format a bit. On the home page of my Wix, I have a photo of myself on the left and on the right, I have a hover box. I decided to put a picture of myself on the home page just to give my readers a visual on who I am. I wouldn’t say I really have a detailed ‘’about me’’ moment but the hover box I included briefly covers a few things. In the box, I included that I was currently still in high school and attending IUPUI as well. I wanted to introduce the college I attend just so that they know where I’m taking a class such as this at. But to also strengthen my rhetorical context.
Under Film Review, I used multiple pull-out quotes that I felt would grab a reader’s attention and instantly reel them in. One particular being the pull-out quote Child Sex trafficking “ a polite term for being repeatedly raped” (I am Jane Doe). I chose this as a pull-out quote because I knew the impact it would have on anyone scrolling, skimming, or reading. It would grasp their attention and leave them wanting to read more. Many of the hyperlinks I used throughout my Wix are links that go straight to outside sources. For example, under the writing project 1 page the hyperlink in the brief review will lead you directly to a trailer of ‘I am Jane Doe’ and under tab writing project 2 feature narrative style there is a hyperlink under Library and Computer Room. That hyperlink will lead you directly to Jungle Speed and how to play. Overall, this multi-modal project has been very interesting and eye-pleasing. Being able to build a Wix page for a W131 class has opened my perspective to many different ways of engaging an audience and keeping their attention.